
Single Line Code - EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis)

EDA Exploratory Data Analysis or  EDA  is an important step in inspecting data methodically.  EDA  is a process of investigating the datasets to discover patters or to find out their main characteristics, often with visual methods. Performing EDA using single line code - 'D-Tale'. Install D-Tale Package  dtale.PyPi  . Copy the code ' pip install dtale ' make sure to download latest version. Paste the code in Anaconda Prompt or any python Prompt and press enter. In Juptyer Notebook (any python notebook) import seaborn and load dataset.  Data sets like 'iris', 'titanic', 'Sample-Superstore' are complicated to analyse. Actions like 'plotting different charts', 'Network viewer', 'Predictive Power Sources',   and ' Correlations' etc,   Everything can be done without any coding.